10 Anxiety Management Tips

Dealing with anxiety can be challenging, especially during major life events like a big move, breakup, or starting a new job. As someone who has battled anxiety for years, I've picked up various coping strategies that have been invaluable during these times. These are some of the best techniques to manage anxiety and stress right now, offering immediate relief and a sense of calm.

  1. Sweat it Out: Engage in an on-demand workout or try a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session. Going for a run can also get your blood pumping, releasing endorphins that combat anxiety.

  2. Take a Stroll: Step outside for a 10-minute walk. The fresh air and change of scenery can help clear your mind and reduce stress.

  3. Breathe Easy: Practice breathing techniques, easily found online with a quick Google search. Deep, mindful breathing can calm your nervous system and bring instant relief.

  4. Ground Yourself: Check out resources like @thetappingsolution for guided tapping meditation-style therapy. In just 10-15 minutes, you can regain your equilibrium.

  5. Meditate: Explore meditation apps like @breetheapp and @calm to help you find inner peace and relaxation.

  6. Pet Therapy: Spend time petting a dog or cat if you have one. Scientifically proven to lower blood pressure, it's a soothing way to combat anxiety.

  7. Connect with a Friend: Sometimes, a good old venting session with a friend is all you need. Reach out and connect with someone who understands.

  8. Stretch it Out: Incorporate stretching or yoga into your routine. These practices release physical tension that can manifest as anxiety.

  9. Consider CBD: Keep CBD drops on hand for moments of heightened anxiety. A few drops under your tongue or added to tea can provide relaxation.

  10. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): If anxiety is overwhelming, consider seeking professional help, like weekly CBT sessions. It can teach you effective techniques to manage anxiety and panic attacks.

In-Depth Techniques:

  • Tapping: Tapping involves repetitive stimulation of energy hotspots on the body while releasing negative emotions and sensations. Apps like @thetappingsolution offer guided tapping meditations for instant relief.

  • 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding: Work backward from 5, using your senses to identify things in your surroundings. Start with 5 things you can see, then 4 things you can hear, and so on.

  • Body Awareness: Focus on how your body feels from head to toe, acknowledging sensations like the touch of your hair, glasses on your nose, or tension in your shoulders.

  • Mental Lists: Challenge your mind by listing items from a chosen category, such as ice cream flavors, vegetables, or mammals.

  • Anchoring Phrases: Ground yourself in the present by stating facts about yourself and your surroundings until you feel calm.

Remember to take care of your mental health during these challenging times. Don't hesitate to try these techniques, reach out to friends or professionals, and prioritize self-care. You're not alone on this journey.


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